Assignment states organizations are required to deliver desired healthcare services to patients in a given environment

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Today, with recent advancement in the field of technologies and due to increased awareness levels among the customers, it is found that the organizations are required to deliver desired healthcare services to the patients in a given environment. It thereby becomes necessary for the nursing staff to first get trained on the new work approaches, leadership frameworks, and also on the technological modules to improve the working productivity levels of the employees in a given work environment (Covell, Neiterman, &Bourgeault, 2015).

For this purpose, they need to deploy Inter-professional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies that include - promoting a common language among all the staff members, facilitating effective development of staff, promoting inter-personal collaboration, and facilitating changes within the work environment. It is important for all the nursing staff to share their experiences and even resources that will guide other staff members in their daily routine activities in the organization. Further, the staff also needs to improve their communication with the patients so that they can recognize their needs and accordingly serve them as per their expectations in a given environment (Covell, Neiterman, &Bourgeault, 2015).

By developing interpersonal relations with the patients, the nursing staff will be able to identify their basic needs, will be able to provide mental and psychological support, and also provide necessary resources to the patients so that they can get recovered soon in a given environment (Gregersen, Vincent-Höper, &Nienhaus, 2014). However, the role of the Nursing Leader should be to analyze these strategies and working modules in the organization.

He or she can accordingly suggest modifications in a given environment and thereby improve the future outcomes. On the other hand, the nursing staff needs to deploy leadership and management models for the purpose of improving relationships with the patients in a given environment (Gregersen, Vincent-Höper, &Nienhaus, 2014).

They need to focus on improving the overall experience of the staff and also gather necessary information of the patients through which they will be able to improve the current position of the staff in a given environment.

The purpose of developing such relations will help the patients in installing trust among the nursing staff in a given healthcare environment. However, the nursing staff needs to take reviews and feedbacks from the patients regarding the services delivered and accordingly make necessary modifications wherever required. The purpose of developing interpersonal relations is to improvise communications with the patients and thereby provide them with required support of care in a given environment. It will thereby help them get recovered from the current position in the near time.

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