Q Assignment on Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances- combination in a definite proportion Home, - Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances GO-TO AND SUPPLEMENTAL LEADERSHIP STYLES: The major reason behind attainment of goals in a different manner by leaders are because of their leadership styles. Some leaders flounder while the others thrive as because there are different factors that impacts the same viz. professional qualification and the competencies with respect to technologies. The other most important factor is the styles adopted by the leaders to interact with their teams within the organizations. There are majorly eight kinds of styles in leadership. All of them have something in common and some feature that are specific, where leaders needs to analyse their style as per their organization and should incorporate the style other than the core, depending upon the requirement of the business. The effective leadership styles helps in attainment of the overall effectiveness of the organization. The major leadership styles that prevails in the environment are Collaborator, Forecaster, Producer, Composer, Provider, Pilot, Energiser and Harmonizer. The fact that cannot be denied is that no style of leadership is “wrong” or “right” as it is dependent upon the leader to adopt various styles as per the requirements of the businesses. The senior executives have their certain styles of leadership that are fixed in nature to meet with the circumstances that are temporary or permanent in nature. These styles helps them in understanding and keeping focus in a better way which further helps them in making their leadership effective by way of creation of ideas, solution of problems, entering into relationships and execution of the plans made effectively. This further contributes towards the problem solving even in case of complex environment by way of playing well with the strengths of the leaders and keeping the weaknesses aside (Dweck, 2014). The other most important aspect of “GO-TO” style is the fact that it makes it easy for the other styles of leadership to be understood and implemented, thereby broadening the coverage of the same. Some of the features of the “go-to” style of leadership is listed below: • Recognition of the pitfalls that may arise in future, • The areas with highest vulnerability can be assessed and plans for the reduction of the effects of the same can be adopted • Situations wherein the success of the organization is sure and can be analysed • Strength and the competencies can be analysed and matched with the team members The fact that all the leadership styles even if varies in approaches but have few things in common as because the ultimate goals of the leaders is to accomplish the goals of the firm with the maximum satisfaction of the team members as because it emphasises on the harmony part which is a very essential one. The balance of the team members with that of the leader of the team is must for effectively aligning the styles of leadership with the objectives of the organization at large. A change initiative if adopted also requires to have the same communicated in a well manner in between the team members by the leader of the team so as to gain the maximum of it. Supplemental Style of Leadership is also essential for an organization to flourish as because the environment within which the organization operates is very dynamic and keeps on changing (Leban, 2004). This change is not constant and it cannot be predicted as well. The behaviour of the humans are complex and therefore the motivation factor that is being undertaken should be well examined before the application of the same. The fact is that no factor can be fixed for motivation as because if fixed, the same will have a power which will be limited in nature since change is constant. Therefore, all the above factors discussed contributes towards arising a need wherein a leadership style that is supplemental to the original one should always be in place as because the future of the organisation and the environment cannot always have an accurate prediction. So in case where there is a style or an action which is supplementary in nature and also in a valid place can contribute towards minimizing losses in case of unforeseen contingencies. In cases where there is high overlap of team members various aspects viz. the task, expertise area, roles being social in nature, mind set of members, the problems arising from the same can be huge and can be redundant in nature. As because there are variances in the styles and strengths of the leaders there exists an inconsistent means for the attainment of the goal and objectives by the leaders (Gardner, 2011). The designing of the Supplementary style of leadership is with the intention of the fact that in cases where planning, opportunities, capabilities and self-selection is attacked due to any reason, the alternative mode of action can be put into place which is simultaneous and in line with the existing style of leadership. A supplementary leadership style is different from a complementary one as because it is a parallel one whereas the complementary style of leadership is the one which adds value to style which is in action by the leaders. In terms of effectiveness, both of these styles are different for different organizations. For organizations operating in a very dynamic environment, the leaders should adopt supplementary style of leadership whereas for an organization in a challenging environment, the leaders should have a complementary style of leadership in place. The organizations have a proper understanding and selection of an effective leaders with respect to the styles adopted by those helps in flourishment of the business activities. The better the leader is, the better the team member will work and contribute towards the enhancement of the activities of the businesses and the organization (Stone, 2004). The leaders selected for an organization should be considered after taking into account all the necessary facts and figures. Sometimes, formal procedures helps whereas sometimes the adaptation of informal procedures results in better outcomes. Whatever the mechanism is adapted the major aim of the same is realisation of the maximum of the potentials along with the avoidance of the perils. ANALYSIS OF THE RESPONSE OF THE STUDENTS WITH RESPECT OF LEADERSHIP STYLES: Neryalt: The response of the student on the employment of the style of leadership is constituted and focused upon the Flexible Style of Leadership only. The effects of a style being flexible in nature is very well explained. However, the loop of the same is not highlighted which is the fact that in case a leadership style is just flexible in nature, it will always be required to have the communication done in an effective way. The best style of leadership is the combination in a definite proportion of both which cannot be defined at the first instance. As because having fixed set of principles and rules of the styles of leadership acts as a framework within which the leader can make policies and adapts procedures being flexible in nature so as to meet the requirements of the dynamic environment. Moreover, the fact that the flexible leadership style is increasing and given more importance of the fact that the same is able to meet the uncertain and unpredictable circumstances that can arise any time. The adaptability of leaders being flexible in nature is high and thus they can adapt as soon as the changes come, by revising the plans and policies so that the new innovations can be incorporated. They can overcome challenges by way of implementing new behaviours and achieving the goal thereon. The most important aspect of the same is the recognition of the situation wherein the old styles of leadership of them have become ineffective and are not working. Sonya b. The response of the student with the respect to the analysis of the most effective style of leadership is very well explained herein taking into considerations both the fixed as well as flexible style of leadership. This is because of the fact that an effective mixture wherein the most appropriate styles suits along with the circumstances are very well explained here. The fact that a leader cannot adapt any of the style overnight is not highlighted. Fixed leadership styles helps in getting things done but the fact that the team members are keen or not for doing the same are ignored as because in case of fixed style of leadership a rigid approach for the attainment of objective wherein the flexible style of leadership is much more focused towards accomplishment of goals by making sound relationship with the members of the team which ultimately boosts their confidence. The fact that adapting just one kind of leadership style is not effective as because the styles needs to be changed in the dynamic world as per the requirement of the businesses. This fact is also been explained well by Bywater (2012), according to which the management style needs to be modified so that the needs of each team members can be accommodated and taken care of in the styles of leadership. This can have minimisation or elimination of clashes among the team members and can eliminate ego so that the employees are not overpowered. Flexible leadership style working within the framework of fixed style of leadership gives the best outcomes in all the situations and cases by satisfying the needs of almost all the team members.
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