Q Assignment provides information about the static & dynamic bio metrics among the two, static bio metrics is preferred. Home, - Bio metrics Introduction Biometric authentication is a security process that depends on the distinctive biological features of a user to verify his credentials. If the samples of the biometric database match, authentication is confirmed. Either static biometrics or dynamic biometrics can do verification of these features. Static biometric is a physiological type of dynamics (Hortai, 2018). It is a more traditional and more renowned type of biometric authentication, it is considered to be very user-friendly and offers an optimistic user experience. It uses fingerprint, pattern, retina scan, and selfie. Dynamic biometrics is a behavioral type of dynamic. It uses a dynamic signature, which includes keyboard stroke, voice, and signature for recognition purposes, anatomic and behavioral characteristics of the individual exhibits when signing his or her name (Stewart, Zhang, & Pass, 2013). Biometric capture devices include scanners, fingerprint reader’srecognition cameras. Biometrics Static biometric is preferred to dynamic in biometric authentication protocol and biometric capture devices due to various reasons.First, the fact that static biometric is user-friendly.Operators can use the biometric capture devices with less struggle making the users experience fantastic. For example, finger print, most phones have embraced it as most people are familiar with it, and it only requires one's fingerprint. Therefore, most people would prefer static biometrics to be dynamic. Secondly, static biometric approaches like iris scanning and fingerprint scanning are very accurate since the features cannot be sham compared to dynamic biometric that uses a biometric signature which is designed to verify subjects based on their unique names. As a result, people who do not sign their signature may have a hard time enrolling and verifying their signature. Lastly, users prefer static dynamic as it is not adversely affected by changes since it has a unique signature. For example, fingerprinting - every individual has his or her own fingerprint which is constant and never varies as compared to dynamic biometrics where one could forget their name or forget to place a specific thing in the signature leading to the user being denied access hence frustration to the handler (Smith, Mann, & Urbas, 2018). The usage of each of the biometric methods. In the graph fingerprint scanners has the majority share of the pie showing it is the most used (Schuckers, 2010). It is then followed by a live scan, which is also a type of static biometrics. Therefore, this shows static biometric is more preferred than dynamic biometric. Conclusion In conclusion, the static biometric method is the most preferred due to its flexibility, its many advantages, and its user-friendly nature. Fingerprint and iris scanning is the most accurate form of biometrics. In addition, the fingerprint is the most used all around the world and is the easiest method of biometric authentication since using its biometric capture device is very user-friendly. Hence, static biometric is the most used in biometric authentication protocols and biometric capture devices by many individuals around the world.
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