Assignment is about the Emotional Intelligence concept relevant to UAE i.e. known as capacity handling emotions.

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Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the capability of understanding, controlling, and expressing emotions as well as handling relationship in empathetic manner. The importance of emotional intelligence can be witnessed in organisation where, communication and trimming trustworthy relationship is of high importance. however, the problem arises when individuals from different cultural background dance to understand the emotional quotient and its corresponding meaning. From the article by Molinsky (2015), the difference between emotional culture of various nation is clearly described. for example, in US, expression of enthusiasm for work and strong arguments to convince the point unacceptable. However, in Japan did exist strict boundaries to display the emotion. likewise, in China self-control and modesty are considered as appropriate corporate behaviour. Similar emotional culture exist in East Asia, where  moderation and self-control are given priority rather than expressing emotions. In order to excel in any organisation, this important to consider emotions as a language and understand the culture of the working environment. this not only helps in delivering effective communication but will also support in building strong relationships. For example, it is important to observe the real for expression, tone of speech, and obtaining a constructive understanding for each response.

In order to implement the Practical usage of EI, it is important to understand that EI is not a solution, but is a practical which can be used do understand or enhance individual characteristics according to the objective of the organization. According to the article by Briner, (2015) EI typically consists of three skills, viz. (i)  identification of particular emotions in individual, (ii) guiding the torch using emotions, and (iii) regulating the emotions. In accordance to the evidence about EI and its effect on work performance, it is learned that EI can be used to correlate efforts (for example personality, communication style, and interaction pattern) with performance, but cannot be used create a new performance.

To enhance the self-efficacy using the EI as a tool, following measures are essential:

(i)    Understand the pattern of emotions used by coworkers and implemented them to build and strengthen their relationship.

(ii)   Considering the difference of emotional expression, in a constructive manner to enhance the performance and not to change the personality.

(iii)              Using similar expression for emotions as a response, can create a long-term positive effect.

Particularly for the leaders, important EI components include,  self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. The key concepts such as self-awareness and self-regulation depicts the ability to recognise and understand the emotions as well as the ability to control or redirect these emotions. The beneficial utility of these traits  can be received as a hallmark of self-confidence, sense of humour, Integrity with the work environment, and comfort with ambiguity. The proficiency of managing relationships and building network is referred as social skills which in turn is helpful in retaining Integrity of the team as well as leading for persuasive changes. Furthermore, motivation and empathy are two other tools which are required to drive achievement and to retain the talented cross cultural diversity within the team. Overall using these tools, the managerial leadership  becomes more effective Which in turn enhances the self-efficacy, not only for the leaders but also for employees within an organisation.

EI concept relevant to UAE

With increased prospect of globalisation and implementation of dynamic business environment, the role of emotional intelligence in UAE is rapidly evolving as an Enterprise power which reference to the changing world. To summarise the understanding of EI,  it is described in below mentioned points:

(i)    To make a global impact and to manage diversity, it is important to understand the difference of emotional expression reflected by  individuals from different background.

(ii)   EI is not a solution but is a practical approach to correlate with performance. However, EI  cannot be used to create a new performance by changing individual's personality.

(iii)             EI can be successfully used by leaders to recognise the emotions and to redirect them into performance. This also includes awareness of social skills and integrate them with motivation and empathy enhance the performance of a team.

The foremost practical implementation of EI among the leaders in UAE used to overcome the accountability hurdle. This can be achieved when the leaders can connect their pattern of thinking and organisationalbehaviour today expected outcomes. In this way, the positional engagement of leaders can play more powerful role to enhance the performance intentionally. Another hurdle existing within the scope of organisationalbehaviour in UAE is a baton of “blaming”, which  have the potential to reduce the performativity and create negative emotions. This issue can be resolved my successfully using the social skills, empathy, and motivation to highlight the strength of individual employees. later, facilitating the opportunities to enhance the competency Indy strength area have the potential to: (i)  motivate individual employees to take responsibility; (ii)  using evidence to identify the mitigation strategies; and (iii)  to support the productive pattern of coworkers. Also, it is important to note that the stereotypic organisational culture in UAE lenders low level of trust between employee and employer, which in turn results into poor execution of task. Using EI, interventional tools can be created that can  analyse the behaviour responsible for employee disengagement (Goleman, 2004). Furthermore the same tool can be used as evidence for implementing change says that the focus could be shifted towards self engagement and teamwork. Read the current trend of business environment, UAE is also adapting organisational practices that focuses on development of leadership among individual employees. this is learned from the evidence that retaining talented employees is just not possible buy just explaining them, “ what to do” and “ how to do”. weather with the changing scenario of what practices, EI  is useful in making emotional connection of individuals with the organisation, and  allowing them do use self perspectives but identifying the mitigation strategies. Lastly, to shift the work culture from “stereotype” towards “ people performance”, it is important to link individual’s thinking to the strategy framework and expected outcomes. In this consideration EI can be used as a catalyst to enhance performance and productivity of individuals. No Doubt, the current practices of organisationalbehaviour and Leadership in UAE is few years behind then that being practiced in US.  however, it is important to note that they are learning quickly, which renders and opportunity to implement behavioural pattern that accept that except diversity, welcome new ideas, willing to change, and using evidence as a tool for improvement. To make the concept of EI common across individual employees in all organisations of UAE, approaches such as coaching sessions, workshops, international and national conferences, and internet-based forums should we promoted.  These approaches will not only offer the opportunity of “Know Yourself”,  but will also enhance individual competencies regarding development of future vision, pattern of thinking and communication, increased the sociability, frequent use of empathy and motivation as a tool, and overcoming the diversity issues (Goleman, 2004).

The two types of biases that will be discussed in the present context include (i) Recency bias,  and (ii) Confirmation bias.

Recency bias meaning and explanation -Based on the research of Neuroscience, it is learned that the initial decisions made by an individual comes from a recent life experiences than the experience that occurred a while back.It is noteworthy to mention that, the recencybias, are not arising due to lack of knowledge, but is an outcome of the thinking pattern which stays in the unconscious mind as a result of life experiences.

How it affect, the society - This challenges many prospects of globalization and restrain the overall outcomes from a diverse team. This thinking pattern ultimately affects the organization in many ways such as, (i) resistance in accepting the opinion if it shows promises in past and not in recent time, (ii) creating challenge to implement new practice methods that offer initial phase difficulty in adoption (such as information technology and computers), (iii) fear from taking responsibility if recent failure happens, and (iv) poor decision making skills (Machtynger, Hickley, Stone & Laughlin, 2015). Overall, it also affects the people and society by rendering poor interpersonal skills, continuation of stereotypes, neglecting the importance of past accomplishment, and losing competitiveness with respect to developed nations.

Recommendation to improve it in UAE -Particularly in the workplace at UAE, managers tends to remember what employees appears in the recent time (last month or week) and overlooking the entire evaluation period for performance appraisal. One of the effective recommendation for the companies is to make investment in bringing overseas leaders and managers, to overcome these challenges and bring effectiveness in the workplace practices.Other than this, creating awareness with the help of events like conferences, hands-on training session, coaching session, and mentoring programs, can also bring change with respect to practice of this bias which in turn can improve the organizational performance of UAE to significant extent.


Confirmation bias meaning and explanation -Confirmation bias is one of the most common challenge present in the organizations at UAE, leading to continuation of stereotype at workplace.  Within this scope, the decision-making power was solemnly given only two top-level leaders and managers (Azar&Drogendijk, 2018).Here, the tendency to confirm bias by manager is to search for favor, interpret and recall that supports their preexisting beliefs and hypothesis.

How it affect, the society –As a results of this bias, there exists little or no scope for the evidence-based practices (as case example from companies of developed nations like US, Canada, and Europe) and leads to poor decision-making standards (Davis, 2016). Moreover, it brings stereotype and rigidity in the organization, which can be directly linked with the leadership style of the corresponding manager. However, due to lack of authoritarian role of employees, the successful utilization of these evidences to enhance the effectiveness of work practices remains a question.

Recommendation to improve it in UAE – Considering the culture of UAE, the evidences of confirmation biases can be found very often. In order to manage search condition, it is important for the UAE institutions to create awareness, offer training sessions, and implement transparency and the workplace, with reference to diversity management, utilization of EI, and mixing cultural intelligence to the leadership and communication styles (Emerson, 2017).These sessions can be resolved effectively with conferences, hands-on training session, coaching session, and mentoring programs. It is important to note that, these events might require investment for the companies, however they have promising outcomes, in which the competency of employees with reference to the acceptance of cultural and emotional diverse factors into the word practices. Doing so, will enable the UAE organizations to gain competitive advantage among the economically developing and developed nations, in the business world.

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