Assignment is all about basic rights of children are being violated due to many unfortunate reasons



In present world,even basic rights of children are being violated due to many unfortunate reasons and it is our utmost duty to stand up for children’s rights while protecting children as well their rights which will go a long way!

Basically children have their rights to special protection beingvulnerable to exploitation and abuse in front of their innocence. In this view, many new laws have been enacted to stand up for children’s rights, CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) being the main global human rights treaty as the  convention was adopted in November, 1989 for which 196 are partners excluding USA but dealing with almost all aspects such as children’s living conditions, health, education, parenting etc. giving emphasis that all children are entitled to protection at all times.

Out of all countries which violates children’s rights, South Africa contributes a larger portion whereGbawe, Ghana which is a town in the Greater Accra Region of southeastern Ghana near the capital Accra where these children’s rights are being violated in many ways resulting many children getting exploited leading the whole nation in to an economic and development crisis.

Main causes behind:

Marginalization &Poverty

Generally Ghana is predominantly a country which has faced poverty at its maximum level being the main reason behind for all these issues. Despite these issues the government’s effort to stand up for children’s rights to be appreciated. In order to protect children’s rights, we all have to contribute to end poverty especially in rural villages like Gbawe, Ghana.  Therefore it is a must that we all should stand up for children’s rights while eliminating poverty.

1. Right to Education

In today’s context education remains unapproachable right for many children around the world leading to 72 million children are out of school and also 759 adults being illiterate especially in developing and underdeveloped nations like Ghana depending on their sex, cultural identity and health; causes hindrance to their intellectual capacities as well as social development.

Unfortunately, education is a luxury for Ghanian children especially in urban villages like Gbawe, Ghana. Only a few children out of a family attend school despite education is free. Mostly girls used to perform domestic work without going to school resulting 50% children are affected by extreme educational poverty.

To stand up for children’s rights, it is vital that these regions should find long term solutions to end educational poverty (a child in education for less than 4 years) and extreme educational poverty ( a child in education for less than 2 years) along with the international community. 

Causes behind:

Financial deficit of under developed countries

In many underdeveloped as well as in developing countries, it is quite obvious that sufficient funds are not allocated for free education in order to create schools, providing schooling materials or to recruit trained teachers leading to low quality education where the teachers even getting only a basic training. In order to stand up for children’s rights, proper measures to be taken in view of economic development leading to low financial deficit.

Inequality between girls and boys, where the education for girls a question mark

In comparison to boys, girls have very less chances for education while contributing 54% of the non -schooled children in the world. Girls are brought up in a way that they should contribute only towards family without being educated and employed externally. To stand up for children’s rights, continous effort to be taken to reduce this gap while achieving universal primary education.


2. Right to Health

Though we raise our voice to stand up for children’s rights, right for health has not been a reality for millions of children around the world particularly in under developed  countries like Ghana where over 13 million children under 5 years of age die due to various illnesses due to lack of food, safe water and sanitary facilities.

Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee for children’s health or life as infant mortality and life expectancy is only 57 years resulting to underweight newborns. These issues prevail at its maximum levels especially in rural areas like Gbawe, Ghana causing many childrendeath or infectious diseases.Again povertyleading to malnutrition will affect school attendance while being victims of supporters of the family.


Causes behind:

Failure of the healthcare systems

In many underdeveloped and developing countries like Ghana , many children do not have proper access even to basic vaccines though these vaccines will contribute in reduced child death by 45%. They also lack proper staff as well as healthcare equipment where a single doctor is allocated for more than 2000 inhabitants. To prevent such situations and to stand up for children’s rights, the Ghanian government should take proper measures to implementeffective health systems where every single child yields benefits of such facilities. 

Low health coverage for children as well as for mothers

Especially in poor regions such as Gbawe, Ghana pregnancies and deliveries are often very risky for the mother’s and also for the child as a very few of them benefit from regular check-ups during their pregnancy with have no information on their health status and that of their unborn child. Any complication during the pregnancy, which could have been detected and treated with regular check-ups, can avoid death of the mother or the child.

In fact there are still 40% of mothers who give birth without any medical assistance. Furthermore, many die leaving behind a new-born who will be 10 times more at risk of dying before his fifth birthday. As human beings, we all should get together to stand up for children’s rights in order to prevent such unfortunate and disastrous circumstances.


3. Right to Identity.

From birth itself, each child has a right to have an identity which is the declaration of his/her existence in the society includes family name, date of birth, gender and nationality based on their status i.e. refugee or handicapped, woman or man  of the individual.

Majourity ofGhanianchildren have faced with this crisis as they are not identified in the society due to not being registered as citizens. In Ghana 30% of births are not officially registered leading these children not having their official identity or a nationality. While we all stand up for children’s rights, it is vital to protect:

- The right to a name and a surname


When a child is born it is the duty of parents to declare the name, surname and date of birth of the newborn to the authorities in charge. By doing so the state officials recognizes the existence of the child enabling them to benefit on the formalities of law.


- The right to a nationality


From birth, a child also has a right to a nationality which will be in two forms according to the parent’s nationality or territory nationality where nationality ensures child’s affiliation to the nation.


Benefits of protecting rights to identity

 Child will yield the benefit from essential social services

To stand up for children’s rights by protecting the nationality of a child we protect their affiliation to the society in turn enabling them  to benefit from different social servicing which will be vital for their future development such as healthcare and education.

 Provides judicial protection for each child

Also to stand up for children’s rights by protecting nationality of the child we  will also make them benefit from the state law while sheltering them with protection with minors protection programs in the country. In turn they will be protected from several forms of maltreatment and exploitation. 

So let all of us make continuous effort to stand up for children’s rights along with the Ghanian government while seeking assistance from the international community to ensure that, Ghana is a safer nation to its children!

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