Q Report is about MGT600 Management, People and Teams critically assess the key principles &theories under strategies Home, - MGT600 Management, People and Teams MGT600 Management, People and Teams Introduction: Organisations are in the existence since the beginning of the human civilization. People are working together to achieve a particular goal. In the 21st century, the industries and organisations are moving towards modernization and innovative world. These are moving towards technological revolution or digital revolution. I entered into the industry as a system engineer. I got 10 years of experience as system engineer, then test analyst and mid-level manager. So, there are changes and shifts in the power and authority in an industry or organisation. In this reflective journal I will drive you through, viewing the management as “art of getting things done through the efforts of other people “and also briefly reflect on Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling (University of Minnesota, 2015). Also, I will discuss about the array of motivational theories developed by different personalities. Lastly, will discuss on how effective communication should be done by managers and the benefits of good communication skills. Management in Context It may take some time depending upon the person’s capability and the knowledge a person’s garner from the experience. (Golden & Taneja, 2010). When there is a talk of the management, the existence of principles and theories is must. There are 14 principles of management given by Henri Fayol. (Fells,2000). These 14 principles cover the five basic functions: Planning - Listing the business goals and methods to achieve them Organizing - Providing Personnel, Raw materials, tools and capital Commanding - Guiding and leading Coordinating - Managing work among different employees Controlling - Setting the targets, then measuring current performance and then taking actions to improve them. One of the main functions of a manger is to solve problems and challenges creatively. Carton (2014, p.1544) believed that “a key responsibility of leaders involves crafting and communicating two types of messages – visions and values”. Therefore, managers use the four function of planning, organising, leading and controlling, which assists them in dealing with any challenge (Minnesota, 2015, p.20). When I was leading a team of 20 our organisation undertook a major re-structure, meaning the complete team was dismantled and leads were allocated as per projects unlike roles. Because Cerner my previous company wanted to shift its gear to agile. To create a smooth transition, we as managers had to deal with all the situations and challenges that could arise. A better planning, organising, leading and controlling along with the use of natural occurring data helped us to segregate resources to different teams bearing in mind their strengths, previous experience/knowledge and also interest. Below is the small snippet on how we figured out the total projects currently running and also how many resources needed. This is one exercise we did for one business unit with the help of data we already have and realised we need have anyone’s intervention (David, 2010) to get data as it already exists in documents or tools used by company. Motivation and Influence In an organisation, motivation plays a significant role. Motivation is defined as “the intention of achieving a goal, leading to goal directed behaviour (Columbia Encyclopaedia, 2004). Performance = Motivation * Ability * Environment According to this equation motivation, ability and environment are the major influences over employee performance. Cerner my previous company shares best of its 4 Employee – First principles to empower its brand advocates. Communication The element of communication is required and plays a significant role in the roles of management. (Dozier, Grunig, & Grunig, 2013). Communication supports each of a manager’s P-O-L-C functions. The ability to effectively communicate is a necessary condition for successfully planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. We know that 50%–90% of a manager’s time is spent communicating (Schnake, et. al., 1990). Communication in an organisation can be top to bottom or bottom to top. Formal communication follows the chain of organisation structure, and it reflects highly, where legitimate power is available. Informal communication is based on the relation between different peers of the same level. It is quite faster than formal communication. Channels are used for transferring information from one end to another effectively and efficiently. As an organisation Cerner is growing across the globe, the utmost important is communication channel. All of us used set our work and access all the work we did anytime, anywhere and from any device. The best tool Cerner chose is office 365 as it is a cloud-based hub for team work. All employees adopted to it effortlessly as it rolled out across the company. It helped to bond with all associates across the globe which helped team members access their work from anywhere and also to have video calls with our counterparts on the other side of the world and made us feel we are having discussion face to face. This also helped employees to have their personal life balance. This type of communication channel worked wonders and been accepted by executives of the company (Brian Gillespie, Director) Conclusion To put it in a nutshell, the above presented dissertation illustrates that a manager needs to have good understanding of the functions of the principles of management. And must integrate their motivational and communication skills to influence and inspire subordinates to drive toward the achievement of organisational goals.
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