Q The report explains about Cross Cultural Relations Management- Expansion of business is the key purpose Home, - Cross Cultural Relations Management Cross Cultural Relations Management Introduction Every organization wants to expand its business with the achieving high success in the existing market where it is operating currently. Expansion of business is the key purpose of every organization to enhance its activities in other countries and their specific cities where the organizations wants to expand after analysis of the country. It is also important for organizations o focus on the cultural differences and analyze the market before going to expand the business (Brooks, 2013). By analyzing all factors of the new country, there will be less risk to expand business and to get high success by fulfilling the objectives of expansion in new countries and cities. This study has focus on the two most important countries for expansion and has to provide complete information about opportunity that either it is beneficial to expand business in these two big countries. Selected organization in this study is Etisalat in UAE. Part One: Opening information Etisalat has successful business sin UAE and it has the objective and purpose to expand its business in new countries for the market growth. It wants to get high market share from international market to provide internet facilities to the customers of different countries. Benefits with this expansion By international market, it has the purpose to fulfill about high market share from global market. As Etisalat has got high success in the market of UAE and now there is no need for further improvements in the same country so it is necessary for the company to expand its business at international level where there is demand for its services. In this technological and internet world, there is demand for internet services in all countries (contributors, 2016). By analyzing this need of the telecom industry in other countries, it has selected two main countries that are South Africa and its city of Pretoria. Second country which has been selected is Turkey and its city is Antalya. These two countries are selected according to the need of the internet facilities in these countries. We feel that these two countries are facing difficulty in their telecommunication sector as the services of these telecom industries are not satisfactory in these two countries an there is also demand for internet services by from well reputed organization. So these two countries are deserving for the further analysis to expand business in these countries. Cultural comparison using Hofstede’s theory There are different dimensions for this theory about to cultural differences. These all dimensions are used for the cultural comparison of turkey and South Africa at large scale for the selected cities of these countries (ISM, 2015). There are six most important dimensions of this theory. Part two: challenges in these countries for expansion Risk of acceptability In these two countries, there is high risk for the failure by the acceptability level of the community in these countries. Here is high level of risk that by the increasing investment in these two big countries, there is risk that either community of the countries accept this foreign company or not and want to avail services of the internet because the existing and local companies are also providing the same services to the community. So it is the first challenges which has to face by the company to expand business (Kehui, 2015). Language and cultural challenge These two countries which are selected in this study have the totally different culture and language to speak and write. It is high level challenge which has to face by the telecom company in these countries. Africa has different culture than UAE and it is not Muslim country which is increasing risk factor and it has the employees and high rate for the force of the human resource department. Turkey also has different culture and language to use in its companies. It has its own language that UAE has English and Arabic language in its companies but these countries have their own languages to use in its operations and culture of business. Telecom business has to face difficulty regarding these aspects for acceptability (tradegecko, 2017). Part three: Communication Different styles of communication There are different communication styles which are used in the cross cultural aspects. Every culture has different communication styles as in the form of verbal communication, written communication and spoken. These are different styles of the communication which are spoken in the different cultures (Karen, 2018). • Some countries are using direct and implicit message to send to the employees and management and some prefer to the indirect and clear messages. • Some countries are using polychromic culture for the communication and there is also communication style of monochromic for the communication • Countries have high use for the nonverbal communications and some prefer to use the verbal communication styles at high level (Stewart, 2017) • There is high reliance on the written communication in some countries but some have low level of reliance for the communication related to written communication • There is communication which based on the high level of intuition and feelings for the decision making and some cultures prefer to use evidence based communication styles • Some cultures have long term relationships to build and some prefer to use the communication just for short term relationship • Some cultures give preference to relations than the schedules that does not give importance to the schedules in their businesses and some cultures have influence the schedules than relationship • Some cultures have strong distinction between groups and some have flexible culture for communication Two barriers related to communication By expansion of the business in these two countries, there are two most important communication barriers which includes: 1. Most important communication barrier is about to the nonverbal barrier for the communication. Every culture has different gestures and the meaning associate with every gesture so it is very important barrier to expand business in these countries. 2. Second communication barrier is about to the language that every country which is selected in this report is about to the language. Both countries have the different language than UAE Recommendation to remove these barriers There are two most important recommendations to remove these barriers which includes; 1. Etisalat Company should hire local employees from the respective countries which will remove the barrier of the nonverbal gestures to deal and it will resolve conflicting problems 2. Company should train its employees by providing the cultural training to deal with customers in the specific culture which will reduce this problem of communication Part Four: Negotiations Two most important points for consideration To avoid any failure from the negotiation perspective, there is need that the negotiation must be according to the culture of these countries. These two countries have the different negotiation patterns, there is need for the high negotiation skills. 1. CEO should use effective communication which is verbal communication and language related to the official language of these two big countries rather than to use English and arabic language of negotiation (James, 2014) 2. CEO should get license by negotiating with political parties and the authorities of the countries to focus on high level of acceptability for telecommunication services in these two big countries and their relevant cities Vital tactics to deal with negotiation issues There are two most important recommendations to deal with these negotiable problems which are as: 1. CEO should use benefits to the economy while getting the permission and license from the political parties of these countries. By highlighting the benefits of the countries, there will be successful negotiation between CEO and the political parties of these two big countries where the Etisalat want to expand business. 2. There is another recommendation for the successful negotiation which is as it will use cultural related sales personnel in the organization which will reduce the problem of negotiation among employees and the customers. By having local sales personnel, there will be high acceptability level of the company in these two big countries and the cities (staff, 2018). Part five: Motivation Motivation level of managers and workers The two big countries which are selected in this study are about to Turkey and South Africa and these respective cities in the countries. There are two different cultural motivation for the employees and management in the organization. There is need for the assessment of the cultural motivation for the employees that how it could increase motivation level of the employees and management in these two big countries and cities. In Turkey, there is need to announce the incentives for the employees as in the Tukey, there is high motivational level for the employees in turkey, employees and management in turkey prefer the monetary incentives from the organization. By offering these incentives to the employees, there will be high motivation for employees in turkey which will enhance high productivity for company and in this way, it will enhance employee’s motivation to wards culture (Parkin, 2017) In South Africa, there is need for the reward system to introduce for the low level of conflicts to arrange. Employees in this country prefer that there should be awards for employees based on the low level of conflicts. There is motivational level exist which is extrinsic motivation which is prevailing in Africa and by offering reward system for employees, there will be increasing level for the motivation to deal with employees and management in organization which is to expand in South Africa (Michael, 2017). Maslow’s Hierarchy There are five different stages for the Maslow theory which is dealing with motivation for employees and management in these two big countries. First stage is about to the Physiological stage of the need for the community in these two countries. This company is focusing on the telecom services and it is based that this telecom service is providing the facilities by fulfilling the need of the physiological need of the community in these both countries (Cherry, 2018). Second stage is about to safety. This is also fulfilling the need of safety in these two countries. As this company is providing the safety by using internet for different information which is also high motivation for community to accept this business in the organization Third stage is about to love and belongingness and by providing internet and network facilities, this need is fulfilling at increasing level. By the fulfillment of this need, there is creation of relationships and it will enhance the level of relations by providing network services as the people can contact with different places to enhance belongingness need and fulfill this specific need Esteem is the fourth stage which has moderate level to fulfill this need by the telecom services in these two big countries Fifth stage is about to the self-actualization which is also fulfilling and it has high motivation to accept the telecom sector in these two countries. By having the telecom sector in these countries, there will be high acceptability level. So this stage is also achieving by this theory and it is important to fulfill the need of the community According to this theory, it is analyzed that telecom company which is Etisalat, will fulfill the need of the community in this sector by expanding business in these two big countries. Part six: Leadership X, Y and Z-Douglas McGregor’s theory This theory is most important to analyze the stability of employment, productivity level in the organization and also about the satisfaction level for the employees in the countries where is going to expand the business by the organization. In the two big countries, which are selected by this study to expand the services of the Etisalat, it is analyzed the best leadership approach in these countries which will enhance the productivity level (tools, 2017). In turkey, there will be participative leadership style will adopt by the CEO as in this country, this leadership style is most important to use for the increasing level of the motivation from employees. Management in this country will use the participative leadership and will involve the employees in decision making process by highlighting the empowerment for employees. In South Africa, Etisalat will use the theory by using the leadership style of authoritarian as the most of the community and employees of this country want to not participate in the decision making process and it is analyzed by the study of the culture that South Africa will not participate by its employees. By using this theory, there will be high results for the country that it will enhance motivation just by rewarding to employees in the country and in this way, there is best leadership style to implement. Part seven: findings and recommendation It is analyzed by the study of culture of two big countries that these countries are best suitable for the expansion of telecom services in these countries which is the existing business of UAE. It is analyzed that there are some most important challenges which includes the communication and negotiation problems. These most important challenges are important to consider in the organization that by deep analysis of the countries, these challenges are highlighted for the CEO and these must be cover by these recommendations which are going to analyze and provide in this study. Recommendations • CEO should also analyze the cultural barriers after this report to read • CEO should establish relations with the political parties and the exiting competitors in the telecom sector for getting high acceptability • CEO should use local employees to remove the communication barriers • It should use motivational theories in the organization to enhance the productivity level of the company in these two countries Conclusion It is concluded that these two countries that are turkey and South Africa and the two cities of the countries are best suitable by having demand for the telecom services, to expand business of Etisalat, currently working in UAE.
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