Paper refers to maintain a positive business environment as a necessity to follow ethical communication aspects in firm

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The paper will demonstrate the ethical theories and the code of ethics in relation to the ethical organizational communication aspect. In addition, the main aim of the paper is to define the importance of this ethical organizational communication aspect of business. Therefore, to discuss this, a reflection will be provided on the basis of my code of ethics and also on the impact of cultural differences on this ethical organizational communication aspect. Moreover, the study will be helpful for the organizations in developing their ethical communicative aspect in accordance with the workplace.

Main context

The organization is considered to be a social entity where communication is an important approach that helps the employees to interact with one another. Also, by using ethical communication, the organization can work successfully and smoothly and thereby the business can easily overcome all sorts of challenges related to their workplace(Paquette, Sommerfeldt & Kent, 2015). Therefore, in order to maintain ethical organizational communication, the business should follow the theory of universalism that defines a universal ethic to all people irrespective of their race, culture, gender, religion, sexuality, and nationality.This ethical approach demonstrates that in an organization all employees should maintain universal relation with the staff members by following moral codes and do not differentiate one other in all respects. Therefore, by following this ethical theory, the organizations will able to maintain an ethical communication approach that eventually helps them to solve any sort of issues related to work.  

According to the authorWarren, Gaspar & Laufer, (2014), building ethical organizational communication is not considered to be an easy task because of it only possible when all managers, employees, and staffs maintain ethical communication between each other. The author suggested that ethical organizational communication brings success to the business as the main aim of ethical communicative aspect is to build trust and motivate the employees working in a particular organization. In the words ofPang, Jin & Ho, (2016), ethical organizational communication influences the behaviors of individual or groups of employees working in the organization, and thereby it forms a positive environment in the workplace. Therefore, in order to build ethical organizational communication aspects, the top management team should maintain their commitments to their workforce. With the help of this aspect, the management team of an organization can maintain their workforce and encourage them to give their best efforts for the business. In addition, if the organizational unit is large, then management should maintain openness in communication and moral commitment with the workforce that help the organization become successful in ethical communicative aspect.

As per the authorMay, Chang & Shao, (2015), most of the organizations have developed their ethical code in terms of maintaining ethical organizational communication aspect. However, the code of ethics does not fully maintain by the company managers and management team, and thereby it somehow affected the ethical manner of the organization communication aspect. Therefore, the code of ethics that should be followed by companies to maintain their ethical organizational communication aspect is honesty in terms of all business and professional relationships, maintaining professional behavior by following regulations and laws and maintain the confidentiality of information(Sotirin, 2014). Hence by following these code of ethics the organization can maintain their ethical communication approach with the employees working in the corresponding business. 

The above-mentioned code of ethics helps in maintaining ethical organizational communication aspect between the employees and management team of the firm. If the employees follow these code of ethics, then they can easily solve several issues related to their workplace. If some operational or functional issues arise in the workplace that affects the production procedure then by maintaining ethical communicative aspect the staff can interact with the superiors regarding the problem (Guerci, Radaelli, Siletti, Cirella & Shani, 2015). Hence with the help of ethical communication, the managers can provide a proper solution to the issues and thereby provide guidance to their staff members to overcome such issues in the future. In addition, ethical organizational communication approach also helps the employees or managers to take the correct decision when some challenges have been generated in a particular organization.  


As per my view, different culture possesses different perspectives, and thereby it provides a great impact on this ethical organizational communication aspect. In an organization different types of people are present, and therefore their communication approach also varies from one another(van Gils, Van Quaquebeke, van Knippenberg, van Dijke & De Cremer, 2015). After reviewing various articles on ethical organizational communication aspects, I have noticed that peoples belonging to different religion, nationalities, genders, ethnicities, and race behave differently while following the ethical manner. According to my view to follow an ethical communicative approach the employees of different cultures should understand the communication approach of staffs belonging to other culture. 

By following this procedure, the employees belonging to a different culture can provide a positive impact on this ethical organizational communication aspect. In other words, if they properly communicate with people belonging to a different culture in the workplace, then they enhance their ethical values in terms of integrity and care. Therefore, to enhance the ethical values of honesty or integrity, care and freedom the employees should forget about different cultures in the workplace and maintain an ethical communicative approach in the organization. Hence, if the managers, employees, and staffs follow the ethical organizational communication and do not discriminate people belonging to a different culture, then I can say that it easily enhances their ethical values in the workplace.

According to me the personal code of ethics are made in such a manner that enhances the dignity and human worth of employees then it fosters their responsibilities and truthfulness with other workers in the workplace. Therefore with the help of this personal code of ethics the employees develop respect for others and personal integrity that eventually provides a positive impact on the ethical organizational communication aspect. 

Conclusion and recommendations

The paper concluded that to maintain a positive business environment it is necessary to follow ethical organizational communication aspects among the employees, managers and staff members. Thereby by following ethical theories and code of ethics, the organizations can develop this communication aspect. In addition, to develop the ethical organizational communication approach, it is recommended that the organization must incorporate a new code of ethics that eventually reduce the culture discrimination factors. If employees believe that their cultures are similar, then they easily maintain ethical communication in the organization.          

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