This paper discusses about Impact of teamwork over globalization of the company to understand need for teamwork

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Impact of teamwork over globalization of the company

Teamwork is one of the most essential thing that the businesses has to practice in order to ensure that the employees are familiar with the business workplace and even in ensuring that they can perform their activities more efficiently. In the organization, ABC, it is becoming essential to understand the need for teamwork in various department with the help of which the organization will be able to achieve its preset goals and objectives in an easier manner. In order to ensure that the teamwork and its efficiency is maintained, the business has to plan for the development of virtual teams, which will further help in understanding the areas, which needs improvement for the achievement of the business targets.

In the era of globalization, it is becoming essential for the business to understand the need for teamwork. As in many cases the business recruits employees from different background, it is s responsibility for the business to ensure that the employees are having the needed bonding among themselves. This not only help the organization in creating better production or performance but also it helps in overcoming various crisis with the team support. Employees are the pillar units of any organization and it is same for ACB. There are many controversies regarding the business internal group politics that is created while the business develops team, but at the same time, it is essential for the business to treat every employees in an equal manner, creating no such biasness (Meyers and Vallas, 2016). This further helps in maintain the relationship among the members of the organization.

As opined by Hoch and Kozlowski (2014), development of virtual teams supports the business in creating better bonding, and this will stand beneficial for the business in the end. It is evident that the more the communication is done among the employees, the more they feel for others, creating bond among themselves. This even helps in uplifting the workplace environment for the business, which again motivates the employees to work more for the business. Additionally, the organization that is having a strong team bond always makes accurate execution of their action because the more the synchronization is there among the employees the more the actions are executed properly. In order to ensure that the level of production is enhanced along with the quality of the project, it is becoming evident that virtual team will not only be there to solve the issue among the employees but also for the issues that the business is facing (Lockwood,  2015).

Construction of the virtual team will create better understanding of the suitability of the employees and they can even be studied properly, which will help the business in understanding the behavior of their employee base (Wadsworth and Blanchard, 2015). With the help of this understanding, ABC can strategize their actions accordingly, which will be maintaining the standard of the employee relationship. For a business like ABC, it is even essential to understand the negative sides of teamwork in order to prevent the business from facing any adverse effect. One of the primary cons of teamwork is overdependence; this can negatively affect the mental setup of the employees creating degradation in their performance level.  Another disadvantage of teamwork is that the employees can become too personal with each other and can manipulate the other employee for their own benefit. To avoid this circumstance, it is essential to understand the need for laws and guidance, which will be prohibiting the employees in doing such actions within the workplace.

While undergoing the study, it is understood that the businesses that has applied virtual team has failed majorly in meeting their targets. So, it can be recommended to the director of the business to create new history by developing the only needed virtual team for the betterment of the business.  Face to face, any other form of communication can never replace this communication process but it is essential for the developers of the business to understand the distance between the advisors or the trainers with their employees or the trainees (Ruesch et al., 2017). If the distance is too long and the support for the business is needed on an emergency basis, it is effective for the business to develop their virtual team for the synchronization of the employees.

To understand the effectiveness of teamwork in the accomplishment of the project, JKL, it is essential for the business to practice team management through the virtual team for an initial period and after understanding the effectiveness, the business will be developing the further steps accordingly. The focus of this memo is to make the employee understand the future action that the business is about to practice for the welfare of both the employees and the organization. In order to accomplish the project within the timeframe of 30 days, it is becoming essential for the business developers to develop the virtual teams immediately and to make them in function as soon as possible. This will help the organization in creating instant upliftment in the bonding of the employees.

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