Paper is about Advanced Practice Nurse is not responsive towards patient with empathy or with a feeling of trust

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Advanced Practice Nurse

Point 1

In this situation, it is realized that the nurse is not responsive towards patient with empathy or with a feeling of trust. The case scenario describes that the nurse is not caring about the feedback or concern of the patient rather is performing her duty. This is reflective with lack of eye contact and not being open to words the emotion of patient. However, in this situation the nurse is only listening to patient, so as to input the information in the electronic health records.

The situation can we related to “life restraining” or “biostatic mode” of being with another (Hayter & Brewer, 2017). The action performed by a nurse can also be correlated as negative impact to restrict or disturb the energy already existing with the patient. In simpler sense, this is discouragement which in turn leads to uneasiness in the patient while giving the feedback to enter into records. The lack of eye contact by the nurse is representing insensitive or indifferent response does it concern of patient. Such unfriendly behavior is of high concern as, it might be responsible four generation of negative emotions and a high level of dissatisfaction in conjunction to the Health Care standard. Furthermore, this also learned the words the feeling that the patient is bothering nurse for unnecessary reasons (Nichols, 2018). More importantly, such action is not suitable for any health care organization as it decreases the care delivery standards and denote poor utilization of power for being in health institution.


Point 2:

Point 2

Halldorsdottir’s classification is based on analysis of data from two major studies which includes the description from patient and student about the caring and uncaring and counters (Hayter & Brewer, 2017). The classification include five modes, the critics of which are following:

•             Biocidic mode, which is marked with aggression, humiliation, manipulation, coercion, and threats. As a result of days, the recipient tends to lose the identity and developed helplessness or despair.

•             Biostatic or live restraining mode, in which the authority person tends to being insensitive or indifferent. This mode of action may also referred to as blaming, for finding, or accusing. It tends to discouragement and leads to generation of negative emotion in patients.

•             Bio passive or live neutral mode, in which there is no connection or Detachment from the other and that it reveals no presence, at all. This results in the generation of emotion which are related to loneliness and absence of empathy.

•             Life-sustaining are bioactive mode, which is reflective with generous, good will, kindness, and concern from the nurse. This reflects that the nurse is engaged actively with patient and overall results in two appropriate satisfaction for the health care delivery.

•             Bio energy core Life Giving mode, in which nurse is truly present as a subject connected to the patient. The action of care delivery include acknowledgement and respect for the patient. This results in two generation of trustworthy relationship. As a result, the patient experiences sense of appreciation, reassurance, and optimism.

Point 3

Bioenergy mode of action is also referred as life-giving, according to the Halldorsdottir’s classification. This is one of the classification covered within the scope of five modes of being with another based on continuum of caring (Hayter & Brewer, 2017). The ideology of this classification type is based on analysis of data from two major studies which include the description given by patients and students, in conjunction to uncaring and counters. Understanding of these mode of being with another is highly important because, it ultimately leads to generation of positive and negative energy emotion in patient and is also related to the overall patient satisfaction.

 The behavior and care practice delivered by the nurse is reflective by being truly connected to the patient. The action is accomplished with developing a trustworthy relationship between the nurse and patient, As a result of which the patient experiences a sense full with encouragement, reassurance, appreciation, and optimism. In simpler words, it can be mentioned that the patient feel scared and there is an increased sense of well-being. As a result of this, the overall satisfaction gained by the care delivery is of high standard. Moreover, the process of diagnosis, investigation, and care monitoring is appropriately performed by the nurse (Selboe, 2017). The responsibilities at element by the nurse is this accomplished intrusions wear recording of the health information, communication with other health professionals, and use of evidence-based practices is clearly defined. This is also the reason that the overall health outcome is appropriate and is also responsible for generation of high care standard. Thus, it would be appropriate to state that, the flow of divine energy from nurse to patient is highly reflective in this mode of action.

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