Discuss the issues surrounding the introduction and management of emerging technologies

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Question: Discuss the issues surrounding the introduction and management of emerging technologies. Consider the following in formulating your answer: the characteristics of the technology; the adopters and the organisation, and the technology assessment process The Key issues in having the emerging tech are high risks in the business operation

There are high security risks

Customer /client view will changes

Entire organization has to rework on the business process and make the employees to understand on the need for the emerging technology

eg. AI implementation of is key issues in organization

Gartner cycle has the emerging tech cycle on initial, peak, through and slope and productivity.

Characteristic of the emerging tech are

a.       Adoption  and b. Perception

Adoption of tech is either by push method like Apple and this make all of them to use and if not they lose the value. Next one is perception is that increase the values by high adoption.

Technology assessment process include

a Scoping: Business strategy has to be defined and create a clear business scope

2. Searching: Use the tool and work to find the roadmap for the technology implementation

3. Evaluation: Competitive advantage are drafted and risks are evaluated in tech assessment

Committing: The commitment towards the implementation is done through people and top management

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