Carry out an evaluation of DMC against the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model and evaluate where DMC sits in this model.

Home, - Carry out an evaluation of DMC

Question - Case Study - DMC - You have just joined DMC (formerly trading as DataMine Consultants) as the new CIO. Your CEO has given you six (6) weeks to develop an initial draft strategy document (3 Year Plan) with the requirement to reorganise the business so that IT supports the company's business needs going forward for the company itself to be more effective and efficient. It is the CEO's vision for DMC to be restructured so that IT will be the driver and enabler of DMC future.

A) Carry out an evaluation of DMC against the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model and evaluate where DMC sits in this model. Here you need to do a brief Alignment Gap analysis from where DMC is now and where it should be in your opinion.

Answer - Strategic alignment refers to the collaboration of business elements and marketing strategies and the arrangement of organizational structure in such a way their alignment must provide long term support. Below are six Strategic alignment criteria. Strategic alignment focusses on achieving higher performance by involving people processes with measurable objectives along with minimizing misuse etc.

Gaps in DMC (Strategic alignment model)

DMC has little or minimum communication also organizational learning is notconsidered. Knowledge sharing and communities' practices is not covered. i.e. lacking Communication maturity.

DMC has little governance and no governance at all, hence lacking governance maturity level

DMC focuses on buying companies and lack hassle free partnerships just making competitions

Scope and architecture - Although scope of the DMC very vast, but architecture is not operational. Lots of problems regarding internal strengths of the divisions. Hence lacking architectural maturity.

Skills maturity -Many of the ITS jobs or services may be closed due to merging different companies and duplication of ITS services. Also skilled staff or labour may lose the job. So, this again lacks


Communication maturity - Reducing gaps and ensuring effective knowledge sharing, transparent information flow.

Competency/Value Measurement Maturity - IT value, contribution in support to various business objectives. Advanced measurement techniques, metrics and analytics

Governance Maturity - Ensuring guidelines and key governance plans, building steering committees, senior stakeholders' groups, streamline business etc.

Partnership Maturity - Building relationships, market strength and collaboration, incorporating sponsors, sharing risks or rewards.

Scope & Architecture Maturity - Use of emerging technologies, build efficient workspace, customizable environments. Incorporating multi-disciplinary domain into business environment i.e. functional or intra-organizational scenarios. Structuring and restructuring environment to become enterprise, inter-enterprise ventures.

Skills Maturity - Organizational learning improvement, human resource key considerations such as salary, increments, Organizational cultural and social knowledge, performance feedback and improvement, carrier opportunities and arranging carrier consultancies, training and development

B) Determine what the current structure of the organisation as an organisational structure (stovepipe etc) and suggest to the CEO how you think DMC should restructure the organisation to best close the Alignment Gap giving justifications for your recommendations.

Answer - The current DMC organizational structure is vertical based, at the top of the company the entire business is headed by CEO chief executive officer further the company consists of various divisions where each division headed by division heads. The divisions are controlled and supervise by the CEO directly. The divisions are managed further by various operations which are completed under control of divisions leads. The divisions are made due to the merging operation of various companies into DMS groups by CEO. Each division members have regular monthly meeting with the department or division heads. Although heads of the divisions are interacted for alternating fortnights. There is a little social contract between the divisions. At the bottom line there are service engineers or ITS. The company scope is extended due to the growth and amalgamation. Increased bottom line i.e. staff strength. There are various shortcoming in the existing structure of the DMC and requires some set of restructuring and alignment gaps.


i. No code of ethics and professional code of practices involved

ii. Little governance implemented

iii. No efforts on strategic decision making

iv. Significant duplication in ITS due to amalgamation

v. Lack of communication maturity.

vi. Focus and Efforts on buying companies, state of art manufacturing rather than verifying suitability needs.

vii. No efforts on partnerships and relationships, although customer interaction was well defined.

Organizations requires restructuring consider the below points

i. Ensuring guidelines and key governance plans

ii. Involve senior stakeholders and management

iii. Build market strength and collaboration rather than competitions

iv. Use of emerging technologies

v. Build inter organization scenarios

vi. Setup organization learning platform

C) Recommend to the CEO a revised management structure at the executive level and justify why this should be considered.

Answer - I believe the Horizontal management structure would best suit our organization, in which the organization will be divided as per the skills of the particular employee. This would be a best strategy as every employee will work efficiently as per his skills and interest. Existing structure considering top level design along with divisions where each division belongs to one particular set of product activities. So independent role existing the division. So, expertise based horizontal structure is recommended expertise's are now divided among

Following will be the benefits of incorporating Horizontal management structure:

i. No employee will be ideal for any span of the project as they will all the time work as per their area of expertise only.

ii. Employees will feel motivated as they will work in their skill expertise.

iii. Absenteeism will also reduce significantly.

iv. The organization's productivity will increase.

v. Cost of training a particular employee for the project will also reduce.

vi. Employees will work efficiently because of their experience in the same field.

vii. There would be a better understanding between the team of employees being belonging to the same field.

D) Advise the CEO on how you see ITS in the new structure, highlighting the benefits to DMC if this recommendation is accepted.

Answer - These are the following recommendation to the CEO of DMC.

1. The staff should be displaced with the new one as much as possible. So, that there should be positive culture, and which will also bring the innovation and will lead in enhancement of companies works.

2. There should be one and single applications to manage the works within the companies which will help in removing amalgamation.

3. The Governance of the Company should see all the legal activities within the company which will also make calm and safe surroundings.

4. There should be strategy within the company for ITS operations. It will help the company in making some innovation product which is market demands and help the company to be up in the competitor.

5. The level of agreements should be upgraded so that it will make staff and users reliable and free from other things.

E) Advise the CEO of the resistance that there will likely be in the reorganisation process and advise the CEO of a strategy to retain and retrain as many displaced staff as possible. You should also describe the change management philosophy that you believe will be the most successful in the amalgamation process. Also, in your answer discuss how the introduction of new technologies or systems can be a catalyst for organisational change.

Answer - There should be the strategy to retain and retrain as many displaced staff as possible because it will lead in many kinds of changes in working culture. The new staff will have the idea of new technology and will be updated with the technologies. Whereas there will be surroundings of innovation and new staff will be overloaded with the innovation which can be used by the organisation in a way. Which will also help in enhancement of their products. Whereas they can give new idea to reconstruct the old product or in constructing the upcoming products.

The change management philosophy that I believe will be the most successful in the amalgamation process is by using the single application to manage the work and the support of the activities to checkout is there some other company is also working on the same thing. Which also update all the companies within DMC of the products which is undergoing. So, that they can invest their innovation and time on some other projects. And it will lead in the progress of the company without any amalgamation. New technologies always attract socially, and all are eager to know about it. So, the proper documentation and easy to use products always keeps the company in the competition and in the users' heart.

F) Advise the CEO of at least 8 different areas of DMC operations where outsourcing may be appropriate indicating the risks associated with each of the areas you select.

Answer - i. Technical services such as deployment network remote control system could be outsourcing

ii. Cloud oriented hosting services will usually be outsourced or recommended

iii. Business analytics tools could be used to enhance the productivity of the system.

iv. Knowledge management services could be outsourcing to manage intellectual property of the company.

v. Licensing database system will be required to host company data

vi. Remote network or Internet connection will be outsourced to provide public interaction

vii. Server or server-sideequipment's such as technical inbound logistic hardware.

viii. Various consumer oriented outbound logistics or ITS deliveries

ix. Embedded consultants

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