Discuss the performance of teams in managing Continuous Quality Improvement in care settings

Home, - Critically discuss the performance of teams

Question - With reference to a relevant team development and motivation theory, critically discuss the performance of teams in managing Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in care settings.

Answer - Development of the motivational theories relating to team performance

Care settings are the most vital part of any health care sector across the continents as it is related to the well being of human society. In the health care settings, the role of the team performance is of utmost importance that makes the entire setting worthy and purposeful as well. In the case of continuous improvement of quality in care settings, team development plays a crucial role.

Belbin theory of team development

It is evident that the role of a team especially in a care setting is very important as it helps to develop and continue quality improvement. Belbin's theory of team development can be used to fetch the perfect result of the team developed for the care settings (Refer to Appendix 1). According to this theory, there are nine stages that can shape team performance in care settings (Flores-Parra et al. 2018). In the first stage, there is the presence of the shaper who challenges the team to make it better. After that, there are implementers, finishers who look after the area in which the plan implementation and execution is performed. On the contrary, the role of the investigator and co-ordinator is also important in this phase as they look after the area of implementation of rules in a correct way. The role of the team worker, plant and monitoring are also there that makes the execution of the systems and strategies in a more perfect way. Broadly these roles can be divided into three groups namely, social roles, task roles and thinking roles.

Tuckman model of team building

The Tuckman Model of the team-building theory of five basic steps of team development can be implemented in the care settings as well. The first step of this model is forming in which the team decides over the ground rules and regulations. In the next two steps of storming and norming according to the model, the importance is given to factors of communication and self-adjustments (Betts and Santoro, 2019). The last two stages of this model are performing and adjourning according to which a team can work in a trustworthy atmosphere and assessment of the work is done. On the contrary, in the case of the care settings, these stages can be applied perfectly to continue and maintain quality management. Before deciding about a patient it is necessary to make all the health care providers acquainted with the plan of treatment to make them feel a part of the system. The health care providers like nurses and caretakers need to feel comfortable with each other so that any kind of problem they could share within the team. They need to feel that they are a vital part of the healthcare setting rather than an only caregiver. The flexibility to talk with the hierarchy and other members regarding any issue faced during the completion of the can be implemented by applying this model. At last, the assessment of the same can be done which is of utmost importance in a care setting can also be done through this model.

Woodcock's Model

Another model of team development is Woodcock's model that has a simple four-stage model however very much effective in the case of quality management. In the first stage, the undeveloped team is there that symbolizes the condition of a team when no plan has been formed (Dombrowski et al. 2018). Then after that comes the stage of the experimenting team according to which the plans that have been developed for a particular work or job are experimented by the team members to check its viability. Then comes two stages namely consolidating team and mature team. On the contrary, the consolidation of the plan and work along with its execution is performed through which the team becomes mature enough to perform other jobs perfectly without any mistake. For quality management, in the care settings, these stages of teamwork are important as the health care providers go through these stages in practicality.

McClelland's Human Motivation Theory

In a care setting, it is very important to make the entire atmosphere happy and motivated. It is because the care settings deal with the illness and pain of the patients. Hence, it can be seen that there are many cases in which the caregivers also have become demotivated and lack the enthusiasm to treat people. It is, for this reason, it is very important to maintain the motivation to keep going with continuous quality management. In this case, McClelland's Human Motivation Theory is very effective and fruitful. On the contrary, according to this theory, there are basically three stages of power, affiliation and achievement (Smith et al. 2020). In a team, it is important to influence other team members to complete a job. Hence, using the skills of a person the stage of power can be implemented. It will make other members motivated as well to improve in a continuous manner. The interpersonal relationship between the team members and the hierarchy will also be easy and communicable. All these efforts of the team members will finally help in achieving quality improvement in the care settings methodically and effectively.

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