The questions are based on Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care- arises need for change in health care service

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Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care


With this changing era, there arises the need for change in health care services also. As every coin has two sides, similarly every implemented change has its own positives and negative impacts. Before making up a change, a critical thinking is recommended of the requirement of change, the importance of change and impact of change. Change is required for the development of society. For example, an adaption of technological change has made it easy for patients to know about receiving various services and pay using different methods (Suarin, 2013). With the increase in the expectations of service users, change is an inevitable process in social and health care organizations. This assignment covers up needs of change and task of implementing those changes in ‘Liverpool Home Care’. Various factors, various confrontations, approaches, etc. for changes in the given case scenario.


Q1. Explain the Key factors that drive change in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario.


Q2. Assess the challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services.



There is a presence of several challenges that key factors of change bring to Health and Social Care (HSC) services. Few of them have been described as under;

Resistance: The first challenge is basically an intensity to resist something new. Initially, people usually resist changes either because of suspicion of not understanding the change or because of disrupted habits (Hiatt, 2013). Employees may resist to make any changes in their current timetables and resist to understand the need and benefits of change. An organization may have to face different views of users.

Financial resources: Due to higher unemployment rates there is a decrease in available funds for charities and people donations (NHS, 2007). There is always a requirement of funds to operate and run any organization. Hence, this can be identified as a key challenge of change. The insufficiency of funds directly influences the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. Deficiency creates a barrier to making any kind of purchases.

Maintaining Quality of Services: One of the challenges that threaten the success of any proposed change in any organization is the need for maintaining the quality of services. The care must be taken that incorporated changes do not lead to a decrease in quality services towards service users. The increasing number of aging population necessitates for increased and personalized services for the service user. The way of dealing with elderly people and helping them in every way is a big challenge. Advancement in quality of its present services to conquer the challenges is necessary.

Adaption of New Technology: Assistive technologies are required to support the aging population independent living. In this modern technological era, incorporation of new technology directly impacts the funds of an organization. A cost-benefit analysis becomes necessary before incorporating such changes in technology. Making the mindset of employees to use new technology and imparting training to them for using the new technology is another major challenge. It requires changes in the existing skills and abilities.





There are various approaches to curtail inadmissible impacts of change, but the most relevant and acceptable approach should be enforced to a specific complication.


Q3. Devise a strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in health and social care as applied to the case scenario.


By performing a thorough analysis of the ambiance of an organization, a powerful criterion about changes can be determined. The classification of standards and criteria are an evaluation of the research survey, a system of quality assurance in an organization, observation, and comments from the service users (Walsh, 2005). The enhanced use of feedback will deliver an enhanced knowledge to an organization about the perception of the service user and expedite in improved application of strategies as per the user longing.

The components of surveying a research can be successful samples, casual explanation, panel study, judgment, prediction etc. Divergent kind of data can be composed of opinions, beliefs, preferences, attitudes etc. The questions asked to people are linked to open response, partially open response, closed response, ranking scales, checklists, etc (Adams, 2007).

There is a need to assure the quality assurance standards like meeting up the quality protocols as set by NHS. Finding out the satisfaction in the service user can be used as major criteria for judging the change incorporated. Adapting with these strategies are likely to bring improvement in overall working with respect to quality in an organization.

Feedbacks and comments can be considered an effective strategy that can be used with an aim to assess the changes occurring within the organization. The installation of the mobile application for enhanced assessment system and feedback can be set-up. It saves time as well as money as compared to the traditional method of using paper feedbacks.

In addition to this, PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) can be considered as the most effective strategy for the appropriate application of changes and knowing its results.

Plan: The initial step is of planning all the required changes in an effective manner and of doing the feasibility study.

Do: The next step after planning is to apply the changes in the required field of services.

Check: After executing, the next step is analyzing all the changes. The comparison between the real and anticipated results make an organization to know about any diversion or gap which needs improvement.


Q4. Measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria as applied to the case scenario.


By giving a due focus on varied kind of aspects, the force of current changes in health and social care can be measured.

Staff Satisfaction: Satisfaction of staff in an organization is the analysis of contentment of employees in terms of their job roles. Satisfaction of staff is significant as happy staff tends to produce more outcome and more satisfied the service user.

Customer Satisfaction: For an organization to be successful, customer satisfaction is a vital criterion. Serving customers quickly in a short period of time, imparting the improved quality of life, choice, control, and freedom from discrimination can satisfy them more.

Enhancement of knowledge: By imparting training programmes an organization can increase knowledge which leads to an increase in their skills and abilities to understand various kinds of necessities of the service user.

Improvement in Performance: The employees through various programs gets motivation which results in their better performance.



Q5. Evaluate the overall impact of recent changes in health and social care


Many variations have taken place in the working of the health and Social Care and modifications are related to various aspects like regulatory bodies, The Health and Social Care Act, Community care, etc. The modifications in the norms if not followed will lead an organization to various legal issues which can affect its operations. In order to provide a better health condition in UK, Health and Social Care Organizations are being motivated to give the services free of cost to people living below poverty line under special programmes (Brown & Hall, 2016). The efficiency in an organization, the cost-benefit or even the referral rates shows the complete result of changes in health and social care.



Q6. Propose appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services.


The appropriate service responses which can be proposed for changes in health and social care services are:


Training and development: By imparting the training to the employees regarding any change in technology can help them in updating themselves as per the market needs. Apart from the enhancement in the morale of the staff it also motivates the staff to work well.

Employment of new employees: The hiring of talented and experienced employees can lead an organization to provide better care and attention. An organization can hire new employees at different positions for various roles to perform.

Technology advancement: New Equipment leads to better and appropriate results and makes the work easier. By providing the required training and making employees aware of the pros and cons of new technology can help an organization in the enhancement of human resources.

Change in delivering service: An organization can change the ways of delivering services in order to satisfy the service user. Providing effective and quality services will tend to make the service user more comfortable and will help them in adjusting.




So, ‘Liverpool Home Care’ must amend its norms and services provided to service user to meet up the requirements as proposed in the report of Care Quality Commission (CQC). It is must to deliver quality services to the people.





The main goal of the change is to improve services. The topic discusses the important principles of change management, devising of changes in health and social care and way of monitoring current changes in health and social care.



Q7. Explain the key principles of change management using either Kotter’s eight steps to successful change or Levitt’s model of change and apply it the case scenario.


Numerous principles of change management help to assure that appropriate changes are made favorably. Whenever any change takes place in an organization the top management needs to take up the obligation in ensuring that all required resources are made accessible and decisions to make the change process an achievement (Fiondella, 2016).

Kotter’s eight-step change model can be used to achieve the required intentions. It involves 8 steps which ensures that all the factors which have an impact on change are taken into consideration

1.            Forming a sense of urgency: In order to make the change process an achievement, it is necessary to ensure that all employees of an organization understand the reason behind the change and benefits which can be reaped.

2.            Forming coalition: This step is all about convincing people about the requirement of change and identifying key people who will lead the change process in an organization.

3.            Getting a vision for success: The change management programmes need to be guided by a strong vision as an appropriate vision will lead an organization in achieving success. With the help of vision, the future of the organization is made clear. It also helps the employees to understand why change is necessary (Kang, 2015).

4.            Communicating of Vision: The top-level management in order to minimize the resistance from the change needs to ensure that objectives of change programmes are communicated continuously, and all the employees comprehend what is required to be achieved and kind of behavior anticipated from them.

5.            Removal of Obstacles: the obstacles which are present in an organization may hinder the proposed changes. The next step is to remove the obstacles. It may involve changing an organization’s structure, description of a job for key people, or any compensation system in an organization.

6.            Creation of short-term wins: Short-term targets should be created which helps an organization to achieve the desired change. When short-term targets are achieved it motivates the employees to work towards achieving higher goals in an organization.

7.            Building on change: The seventh step requires analyzing as to whether the proposed changes are exhibiting the true effect or not. It can be analyzed by measuring the complete performance of staff after the proposed change.

8.            Anchor the changes in an Organization Culture: This is the final step which ensures that changes stick in the organization. It helps an organization in making sure that changes will lead to enhancement in performance.



Q8. Explain how changes in health and social care are planned. e.g. consultation, communication, top-down or bottom-up, management style, managing anxiety, staff development needs etc


There are various ways in which changes in healthcare might affect the organization. It needs to make sure that the proposed changes are well planned. Before taking up any action, planning is always required which gives the direction to everyone. It may be done by consulting with the lower level management and communicating with them in an effective way. The organization needs to have centralization on continuous observation and evaluation of actions so that top-level management can have better-accumulated data regarding advancement. Before applying any change in an organization, it is must to plan and assess the results of changes. If the given change will give positive effects, then change must be brought otherwise it should not be. Also, the goals should be developed and planned before applying any change in an organization. It is must to have a clear vision for improved future

possibilities. Changes should be planned in such a way that the performance of staff is enhanced overall. While adopting the change, the participative style of management should be adopted by management in an organization. It lowers the resistance towards the given change. Whatever the changes should be brought in, care must be taken that it brings out the positive results. The ways of communicating about the change should be planned. the various ways can be such as sending via email, telephonic contact, displaying a notice on notice board of an organization, organizing meetings, etc. The identification, objectives, action-list, selection of any strategy, implementation and assessing requires up proper planning.



Q9. Assess how to monitor recent changes in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario.


In order to monitor the current changes in health and care services organization, it is important to undertake either the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threat) analysis i.e. internal monitoring or the PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis i.e. external analysis (Armstrong, 2009). Some of the ways for assessment to monitor current changes in health and social care are:

Formation of Benchmarks: One of the ways to monitor the current changes in health and social care service is by setting up the benchmarks and then comparing the actual results with it. The benchmarks can be set up either on organizations own previous standards or with other organizations. Benchmarks help to assess the performance of an organization before the change as well as after implementing the change.

A Position of an Organization in the market: Assessment to monitor current changes can be done by evaluating the position of a market of an organization. If the market position of an organization increases, then it directly means that an organization is a heading in the right direction.

Service user’s Feedback and Comments: Another way to monitor current changes in an organization is through the feedback which is received from the service user. It is significant to take feedbacks from them so that an organization can improve in the required areas to give the service user more satisfaction.

Feedback of worker’s: the changes are applied to improve an organization and in any organization worker’s or employees play a significant role. It is important to find out their perception also about the applied change. The feedback from employees helps an organization to know whether their human resources are happy and satisfied or not, thus providing new opportunities to an organization as well as employees.





It can be articulated from the above research report based on ‘Liverpool Home Care’ that several changes are required to take place. To work in an effective manner, health care

organizations need changes from time to time. It can be the automation of services, adaption of any new technology or delivering quality services, the satisfaction of worker’s, satisfaction of service user. Feedback and comments from the staff members as well as from the service user are significant to assess and monitor the changes in an organization.

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