This study is focused to identify the reason of borrowing into one language from other ethnic group.


1.1 Introduction
Language has a constant change and its significant shift creates a significant identity in itself. Borrowing of language has been a significant highlight in different period of renaissance and revolt. On any intercultural invention the most affected aspect has been language borrowing. As for example, English being the prominent language of world started its borrowing from The Angles, Saxons and Jutes and since the Celtic speakers it has constantly been through definite reformation. This study is focused to identify the reason of borrowing into one language from other ethnic group. This section will only hint on the background of the study, the aim of research and objectives that caters to signify the issues within study. This entire study will be catering to reflect the different borrowing patterns from ethnic group and the reason for such borrowing procedures.

1.2 Background
Social science has a huge implication on different subjects. In view of Holmes and Wilson (2017, p.52), ethnic group's language can also be suggested to be a native language of any particular group. Similarly borrowing from this group includes definite reflection over language borrowing. There might be highlights on understanding cultural borrowing, loan word, loan translation, standardisation of language, loan blend and others (Sterzuk, 2015, p.56). Apart from such significant aspects, there might be wider reasons including code mixing and code switching. In fact, it would be further discussed on specific reason for such borrowings that can create a dual identity of a particular language.

1.3 Research Aim
The aim of this research is to understand and evaluate the reason of borrowing features from another ethnic group's language.

1.4 Research Objective
? To analyse what is language borrowing in a particular language group

? To understand the different kinds of language borrowing in a native language

? To observe the change in a particular language due to the borrowing of features from another ethnic groups is language

? To recommend the reason of why people sometimes borrow features of another ethnic group's language

1.5 Research question
? What is reflected by language boring for a particular language group

? what do you understand by the different kinds of language boring in a native language

? What are the observations made in a particular language due to the borrowing features from another ethnic group's language

? What can be recommended as a reason of borrowing features of another ethnic groups is language

1.6 Rationale
In this process of borrowing there are different issues that can be highlighted through the several identification of loanwords or cultural borrowing observations (Hervey et al. 2016, p.46). Though cultural borrowing, loan words and shifts in language create a socio cultural and discursive dimension, there might be issues faced in the future development of language.

Precisely or is an issue in this context for to the shift in origination of words. Concerning, Reyes, (2017, p.72), it often redirects the native origination and become words of a completely different language group. This research sheds light on understanding the reason for borrowing features from other native groups in a particular language (Culpeper, 2014, p.62).

1.7 Summary
This chapter reflects on the understanding the basics to different aspects of language borrowing and reasons for borrowing features from other ethnic groups in language (Harris

2016, p.168). The highlights on this chapter also enunciates the background of the study that gives a clear understanding borrowing and facts that will further be developed in the study.


Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The significant acknowledgement and understanding of language borrowing, is primary in different language settings in fact the native language group is particularly enhanced with this borrowing process. The appropriate cultural appropriation he's enhancing enhances immediate cultural interception of languages. In this perspective, the reason for borrowing features in a native language is hinted either on reformation or any particular renaissance of a period.

2.2 Significance of borrowing features from a native group in other languages
Standardization of language has taken a position that will be improving the socio cultural diversity (Ameka, 2016, p.62). It also acts as a particular identification to reduce language barriers, political disruptions arms economic understanding between cultures. Infact, language borrowing had been an identifiable change that regulates and triggers a positive identity between cultures that get to create a different motion of an entire ethnic group (Banda, 2016, p.257). It is creatively allowing to set a significant attribute of either improving societal status along with economic, political and social status.

2.3 Wave Theory
Linguistic wave theory is do not directly related to cultural borrowing or language borrowing or features borrowing from a different language, it is still related to the language change that leads to a new language features. In accordance to Gatt and Fabri (2017, p.144), this particular innovation is a combination of language features that is specific to a definite region. in this process of language change the affected region gives a new dimension of features to another language group or region. As assisted by Ahmad et al. 2015, p.46), it has been identified that wave model or wave theory has a direct relation to the study of dialect continua and aerial phenomena. It is though diverting to the historical linguistics background it also create an initiation to understand the innovation that occurs through language change. This change can either be through loan balance loan shifts cultural borrowing standardization of language code switching code mixing and lone translations.

2.4 Socio Cultural Discursive Dimensions
At present time borrowing from German African French Indian and other languages are continuing within English language that is actively functioning as the key existence and improvement of English (Barman et al. 2014, p. 14). In earlier centuries when it was Celtic and Saxons dominating the English language vocabulary, presently the Asian African and Japanese languages are being referred for the growth in loanwords within English language. This is not only creating an improvement in scientific research but also enhancing the inclusion of foreign vocabulary with in English. not only English there are other Arabic languages as well that are in a continuous process of borrowing through loanwords, loans shifts and loan blends (Lane, 2015, p.264).

2.5 Summary
This chapter focuses on creating an identification of the reasons that will be focussed further for understanding cultural borrowing or language borrowing. Most of the portions discussed in this chapter focuses on significance socio cultural change and the economic-political change that occurs in an ethnic group due to such borrowing of features from a particular native language.

Chapter 3: Research methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is the key chapter to identify the process of research that will be carried on for further research purpose. The research method used also directs the researcher to reach the definite solution for which the research is made.

3.2 Research strategy
The research strategy particularly includes research philosophy design and approach. in this definite area of concern interpretivism is considered to be the parameter for research philosophy in this research (Culpeper, 2014, p.12). Interpretivism allows the researcher to establish the positive approach to this linguistic aspect of borrowing features and languages from different native groups. It further adds on to produce a positive identity of the case that will be discussed in case of language borrowings. Research Design follows the explanatory design enhancing on future research proceedings (Modood, 2015, p.3). The explanatory method allows to establish a stipulated understanding over the established fact of explanation on features borrowing and borrowing of language for cultural improvisation. The deductive research approach caters the researcher to deduce the reasons for borrowing features from another ethnic group's language. As a new innovation is being deduced from the language, there will further analysis of reasons for this deducing qualities of language.

3.3 Data analysis methods
The data analysis method followed in this research includes both primary and secondary research (Knights, 2016, p.26). The primary research followed for understanding borrowing of features from ethnic groups will include a quantitative study and secondary research will include the study from authentic journals and research papers. The tools used for this research will include, survey method in case of primary research and journal study in case of secondary research.

3.4 Summary

This chapter focuses on highlighting the different ways the research will proceed. It gives an evaluation of the methods that will be used throughout the study for reaching a particular solution in knowing the reason for borrowing of features from another ethnic group's language.

Chapter 4: Anticipated findings
4.1 Future findings
The discussion made till this, includes, the initial understanding of the topic and its functional proceeding for reaching the answer to the question of the topic. The answer to the question why some people borrow features from another ethnic groups is language will be possibly achieved only when this entire research is completed through further studies and field records .To create an exampleof the scenario of cultural borrowing and language shift, primary and secondary method would be followed to end up with authenticate understanding of the reason.It would also focus on the economic and political advantages faced due to such feature borrowing from ethic groups.

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